Sunday, February 19, 2017

Educational Choice in Texas: The Fierce Urgency of Now

On the Texas Public Policy webpage, Kevin Roberts wrote an article about Educational Choice in Texas: The Fierce Urgency of Now. Similar to my first blog post, Roberts also discusses the issues with Texas education. Many parents wish for their children to be provided with the best education possible. It appears that in Texas, nearly 1 million students are struggling in school. Roberts can't stress enough how important education really is, and how the state of Texas should do something for those students struggling to ensure that all children are provided with the best education possible.

In aiming to resolve this issue, there is an idea that has been brought to our attention and that is "Education Savings Accounts" or known as ESA. This would put the needs of children ahead of the demands of the system and allow parents to customize their parents education. ESA is registered with an online account or a debit card in which parents can use to pay for their child's school expenses. This money would still be coming from the state funds that would typically be used to pay children education for public school. 

Robert goes on to mention "with the 2017 legislative session now underway, Texas is already lagging behind most states in offering liberty-based policy innovation for education." Many states have already passed some form of education choice including ESA. Some people may think Texas should just spend more money on the system. The problem with that is that we don't spend new education dollars on education. Only half of the money is ended up in a classroom. 

The author concludes with how if Texas choose a good education choice such as ESA, this innovation will help all students. Giving the parents freedom to customize their child's education could be very beneficial not only to the parents but also for the government. 

I believe the author is trying to get the attention of Texas residents to better inform us how poorly our education system is set up. Doing so will open up the eyes of many Texans including myself of how important it is that the government act on this issue. Roberts seemed to have fairly accurate information that was conducted from research. The author did an excellent job on emphasizing how important this issue is, how Texas is behind in their education choice, and how we must act on this. In addition, I do agree with the author because education is key. If parents are given the choice to form their child's education this will hopefully lead to children being more successful in terms of education. Those 1 million children struggling will hopefully begin shining. However, I do believe there should be restrictions and guidelines that come with this freedom.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Texans Embrace Education Freedom

I read an fascinating article on Texas Public Policy. Thousands of parents wish for their child to get the best education possible. However, some parents are unable to send their children to the schools they desire. Possibly because it is too expensive or it may not be in their district. Many Texans have had enough with this system. They want their education freedom where they may send their child wherever they wish and receive more benefits.

In Peggy Venable's article Texans Embrace Education Freedom, she mentions how Texas is behind. Thirty other states in the U.S. have passed more than 60 private school programs. Although kids are doing fine in public schools here, parents are saying that schools are more focused on the adults rather than the students. Venable mentions how"School boards are passing resolutions opposing transparency and accountably, demanding more funding and rejecting school choice." Even the Texas Constitution says we have to establish an efficient system of public free schools. In addition, parents are wanting education fund that follows their child to the school that the parent chooses. All in all, Texans want more options, they want education freedom.

There is a lot more that Venable has to say about this matter, read the article to find out. We are all currently enrolled in school right now which makes this an interesting article to read about. Also, it may give you a grasp of how good or how bad schools will be in terms of education and giving students more options in future generations. Will funding increase for schools? Will parents have more options of giving their child the best education? Lastly, out Texas and Local government is embedded into this topic. The school system is a huge part of our state and local government.