Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Should Texas Have a Front AND Back License Plate?

One aspect that is uncommon to most other states is that Texas requires you to have a front and a back license plate. Now some may argue that this is quite unnecessary. Is one not enough? It certainly is in most states such as Arkansas. I’m originally from Arkansas and growing up, I never saw front and back license plates. After I moved to Texas, I began to notice the sudden change. I was curious as to why this was a requirement in the state of Texas and why this state believes we should have it.

Come to think about it, having a front and back license plate ensures more safety. Think about it. Perhaps there is a driver who runs a stop sign, with there being a front and back license plate, cameras will be able to detect who the driver was and give them a ticket. This makes the government's job easier. Another example would include a hit and run. Suppose someone hit your car while you were in a store and by the time you were able to go to your car, you had no idea who may have done that. Most stores have cameras outside in their parking lot and therefore they may be able to detect who the person that your car is based off of the license plate. The camera could be angled in a way that shows the front license plate or in a way that shows the back. The main point is that it makes it easier to hunt down people to ensure they pay a price for the action they committed.

Although it may look unappealing to have a front and back license plate, it is a safer option. For those of us who are against this law, we should now agree with this law because it is in our best interest.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

"Texas Should Raise It's Minimum Wage"

One of my fellow classmates has written a post about how "Texas Should Raise It's Minimum Wage" on the blog Sweet Tea and Politics. I could not agree more with my classmate that we should indeed raise the minimum wage here in Texas. Many students who graduate high school are on their own and some have to pay for their college education. They may not receive a high paying job due to not having earned a degree yet. Raising the minimum wage will help these students pay for school and other personal payments they must make. Not only would it be beneficial to students, but to many other families as well.

Other people who would be needing minimum wage pay jobs would be immigrants. Possibly they are coming here to receive a better education and more opportunities than they would in their country. Perhaps they come here with no money, they may also need to have a job that would allow them to pay for school, shelter, food, clothing, and other expenses they may have.

In addition, many people have minimum wage paying jobs and are facing poverty because they are unable to purchase the items they need to. One of the points my classmate makes is that Texas has the most people who are working minimum wage jobs and those people are the ones who are facing poverty. Raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10 or $11 could help out so many people to ensure they live a life where they do not have to face constant poverty. It would also motivate more people to work and that would result in the unemployment rate to decrease. We should help out our fellow Texans to ensure they live a life without poverty.