Friday, March 10, 2017

Senate Passes Bill on Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationship

After reading an article on The Texas Tribune called Senate Passes Bill on Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationship, I am glad to know that the Senate Bill 7 will take action on the inappropriate relationships that form between students and teachers. This bill allows school principals and superintendents to face criminal charges if they do not report these inappropriate relationships. Teachers are also not allowed to have relationships with students outside of there districts, this is for all the districts. In other words, if you are a teacher, you should not be in a relationship with a student regardless of where he or she goes to school. It's very disturbing to know that teachers are involved in a romantic/sexual relationship with students that are in elementary, middle, and school. The author mentions how Texas Education Agency have opened investigations involving these inappropriate relationships. There have been situations where teachers who have been involved in these situations have still maintained to keep their jobs. This shouldn't happen. Schools are putting other children in danger that may be prone to having these relationships with their teachers. Based off of that, the author's references seem fairly accurate and thorough. I believe the author is trying to let parents, teachers, school board members and students know that inappropriate student teacher relationships are not acceptable and if they are happening, then there will be serious consequences involved. With that being said, I'm thankful that the Senate Bill 7 has taken the initiative to take this matter into hands.

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